Fiftytwo – Video testimonials

A highly convincing content type

The video testimonial (or case study) is very convincing, when it comes to attracting the attention of potential customers. Especially in the early stages of the customer journey. Relevant visual context helps bring complicated topics down to earth and into perspective, when it comes to understanding advantages and real benefits for a business. With testimonials as a governing principal for all communication, we will always have a real client to confirm our promise and lend us credibility.

For Fiftytwo’s new flagship product, we helped designed and developed a number of communication elements, including video testimonials (video case studies). This one for (featuring Matas) was produced in 18 cutdowns to suit all purposes – 2 languages, 3 themes and 3 lengths.

Fiftytwo is an Danish software developer of solutions for POS, eCommerce and ERP.