Post Only Relevant Input


Post Only Relevant Input

”Content is King!” has been the mantra for years. Have you caught on? Do you have a solid long term plan for where and when to communicate what to whom and how – or are you broadcasting on all channels in the hopes that someone hears you? If the latter, maybe it’s time to lower the megaphone.

Is this piece of content really relevant?

I’m happy to learn that 2016 is prophesied to be the year content marketing shifts focus from quantity to quality. It’s time to stop and ask ourselves: Is this piece of content really relevant or engaging to my target group? And if not, hold your horses!

Clicking “Post” is so easy, but how would you like to hear from your Canon colour cartridge sales guy every other day? You’d probably try to unsubscribe, block the mails or maybe even cut the contact. I’d change to Xerox in a heartbeat. The art of posting is doing it only, when you have something interesting, relevant or otherwise beneficial to share with the recipients.

Concentrate on being useful to those who actually matter

Instead of trying to reach everybody at once, let’s concentrate on being really useful to those who matter. Our primary target group. I’m convinced that careful personal nurturing pays off, and in time paves the way to loyal customers, followers, readers, users or whomever is the target of your immediate affections.

Please contact Vicky Volder on +45 50 86 52 08 or for further information or to set up an appointment to discuss your opportunities.

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