Make Customers the Centre of your Business


Make Customers the Centre of your Business

It’s hardly news that the internet has transformed customer buying behaviour. To meet the new and ever-changing customer requirements, companies must adapt and reorganise. This is a huge challenge for most – not least for the well-established.

The danger of doing nothing is very real and present. Every day traditional companies lose terrain to web based startups, who are able to focus fully on building loyalty and customer engagement with cohesive experiences.

Customer centricity and creating cohesive customer experiences is not just about letting the customer continue their journey regardless of platform and channel. It’s more about knowing your customer’s needs, wants and behaviour, so you can deliver the right message in the right moment and context. The snag is being able to act on the customer’s premise and predict upcoming needs – whether it for is inspiration, product information, a concrete offer, quick follow up, recognition, personal service or a video on how to check the oil.

Timing is everything and shouting BUY a little too soon may turn interested instantly off – and possibly straight into the arms of the competitor. Buying a car is rarely a here-and-now decision. Kindling the customer relation carefully, inspiration should be offered in the early stages of the decision making process. Later, when the customer is ready, we offer more solid information on the specific model, a test drive to experience the car and only when a lead is burning hot, we push the sales message. After purchase the relationship is consolidated, as satisfied customers with a positive brand experience are more likely to buy again, trade up and recommend in their own network.

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