Blog - Nzinck

The Russians are coming…

Over the past few months, we have facilitated a number of cutting-edge podcasts about Russia and Ukraine. We have had a wonderful gathering of interesting

NZINCK – short and sweet

NEUBURG | ZINCKERNAGEL has always been a bit of a mouthful – especially on “first dates”, so to make it easier, we’re going all in

Adaptation of TV commercials

Successful Adaptation of TV Commercials

Are you struggling with delays and misunderstandings in the production process? Every day production funds are squandered away on expensive mediators, who neither simplify production

Hjemvendt efter 7 år ved fronten

Det handlede om at flytte en af verdens største bilkoncerner fra produkt- til kundefokus. Arbejdet omfattede strategiudvikling, løsningsimplementering og drift af koncernens digitale marktingoperation for

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