Insights & Strategy
Insights & Strategy
It’s All About the Customer
Let us help you define what to say to whom, when and how
A diverse toolbox of qualitative and quantitative methods helps us understand customer needs and behaviour in order to develop high impact initiatives relevant to specific target groups.
By studying needs, interests and emotions at various stages along the customer journey – before, during and after an event/purchase – we define optimal messaging, touchpoints and channels to recruit new customers and gradually convert them to effective ambassadors for your company.
Making insights actionable
Insights are the foundation for defining and developing optimal positioning, strategy and effective marketing tactics. To become of real value for your business, however, insights need to be translated into concrete action.
We use a consistency model to achieve growth and change by making all efforts work together toward an overall objective – which may be anything from corporate positioning to an acute sales target.
The result is a detailed and comprehensive plan of action defining the strategic priorities, success criteria, and concrete actions necessary to reach the goal.